Monday, 20 July 2015

First Day at Isha School

Today we spent our first day at Isha School. Francine was eager to see how many of the children were using their drawstring bags that were donated by Normanhurst School in 2014. On our arrival, we saw that they were using them and had safely stored then under their school desks at break time.

Sarah and Stephanie loved teaching an English lesson to the students in P3 and had them singing, laughing and playing a competitive game of 'guess the verb I am miming', while numbers were being learnt in both P1 and P3: P1 through song with Andrea and Beth and P3 through a number bonds game with Francine and Stephan. Dave and Maddie spent time with P6 and comparison of adjectives. They were relieved to investigate colours with P1.

At lunchtime Beth kept some of the children entertained with a game of 'cat, cat, dog' and after lessons were taught an impromptu game of volleyball was played, with some impressive performances from both UK and Rwandan teachers.

While half the team stayed at Isha, our number grew with more arrivals from King's House. This meant that the beginning of the painting project at Baho Neza Mwana got off to a flying start with Beth and Harriet at the helm. The three houses of Lions, Gorillas and Jaguars, will soon have a finished mural to identify them. At least tonight when creating resources the power stayed on.


  1. Glad you are there safe and sound

  2. Brill again! Glad Beth is using her skills. Love Granny
