Tuesday, 22 July 2014

First Day at Isha School

Our first trip to Isha School today, and what a day!  Driving to our destination we were waved at from the roadside and the frequency of greetings in English increased with greater proximity to the school.  The cry went out that we were coming some time before we got there.  Driving into the site we were flanked on both sides and as we stepped out of our vehicle with Alex - Rwanda Aid's Education Manager - we were greeted by hundreds of curious and excited faces to the tune of 'Hello Guests'.  We had truly arrived.
Francine and Natasha teaching P1-P3 songs in the playground

Attentive students waiting to learn new songs

 In the middle of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

 Lots of concentration!  (On Thursday we will be giving all the students in the school string bags to carry these books)

 A teacher, having seen the team teaching the song outside, did it again with her class afterwards

Our first task was to meet with the Head of School and the teachers to allow them to explain their set up and the issues they face in teaching so that we could be of practical assistance.  Then we were off to get involved in lessons.  During the visit the team saw the range in different teachers' command of English (which is the teaching language for Primary 4 upwards) and realised what a challenge tomorrow's teaching is going to be for some of the classes.  It was fantastic to see a few of the teachers from last year's teacher training course putting into practice what they had learnt last year and we hope to build further upon their practice tomorrow.
 A lesson in one of the old classrooms
 John teaching English in a new classroom

 Observing a P6 lesson on the Rwandan flag taught by a teacher who attended last year's training course

Going around the school we were again struck by the general eagerness of the children.  Then it was back home for an afternoon in the African sunshine of preparation for the lessons the teachers suggested.  We await tomorrow with real enthusiasm.

Planning lessons while enjoying the sunshine at Munezero House

1 comment:

  1. These shots are amazing - so capture the joy all round. I am finding the blog so uplifting. Thank you!
